Who we are

The consortium is made up of 14 partners, 5 research partners, 3 public authorities (one of social services and the other two of health), 2 NGOs, 1 Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) and 2 Non-profit International Networks. CO-CAPTAIN partners have been chosen in order to ensure the full coverage of scientific, practical, social, and technical competences and also to gather the perspectives and experiences of different professionals necessary to develop comprehensive research, approaches and protocols related to cancer prevention provision and policy making.


CO-CAPTAIN consortium guarantees the alignment of the project with:

  • Austria: National Cancer Framework Program & Health Goals Austria.
  • Greece: National Public Health Strategy Report 2020-2025.
  • Poland: National Oncology Strategy (NOS) 2020-2030.
  • Spain: Cancer Strategy of the National Health System, Strategic Plan for Mental Health of the Community of Madrid, Plan for the Humanization of Health Care & Primary Care Quality Strategy.

Our partners are:

Medical University of Vienna (MUV) is one of Europe’s oldest medical training and research facilities with a history spanning over 650 years. Today, MUV is the largest medical training institute in the German-speaking world, with about 8000 students and over 5750 researchers. Comprising 26 university clinics, 2 clinical institutes, 12 academic medical centres, and numerous highly specialised laboratories, it is one of the most important cutting-edge institutes in Europe for biomedical research.

Website: www.meduniwien.ac.at

FICYT is a non-profit foundation belonging to the Government of Asturias. The Regional Ministry of Health of Asturias (CSPA) and the Healthcare Service of the Principality of Asturias (SESPA) participate in the project as affiliated entities. The three organisations have a long experience in European projects and in the development of co-creation methodologies addressed to patients with chronic diseases and the general population and for vulnerable groups in particular, and patients with cancer and mental health issues. CSPA carries out the development and approval of health and mental health policies and, together with SESPA, the implementation of healthcare programs in the region.

Kveloce is an SME specialised in the development, implementation and exploitation of R&D projects with more than 10 years of experience. The services offered by the company covers the following topics:

  • Management of R&D and innovation projects, individual or in collaboration
  • Knowledge management and business innovation processes
  • Definition and development of the Exploitation and Dissemination strategies within R&D projects
  • Social impact assessment (within research and innovation projects) including social acceptance
  • Citizen engagement strategies and co-creation methods

The geographic outreach of Kveloce I+D+i covers the European and international scope but the company is located in Spain, with branches in Valencia, Asturias and Madrid.

K-veloce I+D+i has strong expertise in activities addressed to SMEs and Research Centres; in particular, Kveloce I+D+i develops and implements courses and specific seminars and virtual and online learning platforms. Besides, the company is also involved in academic initiatives, participating and contributing with its expertise, for

example, to the EBT Master of Creation and Management of Technological Based Innovative Business, at the University of Valencia, and in the Master of Business Innovation of the Universidad Católica de Valencia.

For years, the company’s expertise in supporting research consortiums in different complementary activities (e.g. exploitation and dissemination, co-creation methodologies, impact assessment, policy recommendations) has been applied to various health and social or environmental innovation projects (see projects below).

Website: https://kveloce.com/en/

Prolepsis Institute, a civil non for profit organization, was established in 1990 in Athens. With a strong belief in health being a fundamental right, Prolepsis Institute has undertaken a leading role in the field of public health, by designing and implementing initiatives on various health issues and in different sectors (e.g. education, workplace) targeting a wide range of population groups, such as children and adolescents, women, migrants, and the elderly, and different types of occupational groups, such as health professionals, as well as policy makers, other NGOs and decision makers.

Prolepsis Institute has participated, as a coordinator or partner, in approx. 70 EU co-funded and numerous national projects implementing research, applied and educational initiatives, aiming at health promotion and education of the public, policy change and tackling health inequalities. Their human resources consist of a multi-disciplinary experienced team of physicians, health promotion and communication specialists, statisticians, psychologists, sociologists, economists, nutritionists, food technologists, each of which undertakes distinct roles in the Institute’s projects. Moreover, the Institute encourages interdisciplinary and international cooperation, creating networks of collaboration, not only in Greece but also in Europe and the USA.

Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is the only Spanish Technical University that features the most critical World University Rankings. It is in the top 5 Spanish Universities with the highest revenue from public research and knowledge transfer activities. It is a national leader in patent license income and start-up creation. Constituted in 1971, it comprises nearly 30,000 students, over 2,500 academics, and 17 university research centres of excellence. UPV has relevant experience participating in international research programmes, with over 100 FP7 projects and 49 H2020 projects. UPV researchers are also actively involved in all stages of the H2020 life program, from work programme drafting discussions to project coordination. UPV is also a partner in several major partnering initiatives (JTIs, PPPs, KICs…).. Recognised in 2005 by the Regional Government as University Research Institute, the ITACA Institute of UPV is a centres for excellence in the Information and Communication Technologies field. ITACA involves more than 110 researchers, being their main interest áreas ICT systems in healthcare, digital electronic systems, industrial electronics, telecommunication systems, telematics, sensor integration, electronic compatibility, electromagnetism and microwave research. ITACA has an annual budget of 5.5M€ and an annual income due to R&D&i activities of 2.1 M€. The Biomedical Data Science Lab (BDSLAB) of ITACA Institute, with more than 13 years of experience, focuses its research on fundamental problems in the field of biomedical computer science. BDSLab, with more than 40 national and European projects and more than 60 scientific papers in relevant journals, has grown up considerably from its start. In fact, its team is composed of 15 experienced researchers (7 PhD, 5 of them develop their thesis in BDSLAB) from different disciplines (informatics and physics) and 1 experienced R&D manager.

UPV-ITACA BDSLab research group, for their part, will offer their experience in the field of biomedical computer science applied to real problems, such as the modelling of services use and outcomes.

Website: http://www.upv.es/

IFIC is a not-for-profit network incorporated as a Stichting in the Netherlands. IFIC’s mission is to cross organisational and professional boundaries to bring people

together to advance the science, knowledge and adoption of integrated care in policy and practice. IFIC seeks to achieve this by developing and exchanging ideas among academics, researchers, managers, care practitioners, policymakers, and people who use services alongside their carers and families throughout the world. A key focus of IFIC is to act as a research and knowledge exchange hub in partnership with its members and academic centres internationally and its involvement in EU-funded projects and commissions for example, from the World Bank and World Health Organisation. IFIC has recently provided technical support and capacity building to countries, regions and specific integrated care programmes through its Integrated Care Solutions initiative.

Website: https://integratedcarefoundation.org/

The Medical University of Lodz (MUL) one of the leading medical universities in Poland. It has over 70 years of medical tradition and there are 11 000 students attending different courses at MUL, including 900 foreign students. We educate future specialists in medical and health sciences.

MUL is actively engaged in scientific research, collaborating with national and international partners to address important medical and health challenges. With a student-centered approach, MUL provides a supportive and stimulating learning environment, fostering the development of competent and compassionate healthcare professionals.

The DGSSI-CM is in charge of all the initiatives of the Community of Madrid with the final objective of achieving a better integration of disadvantaged persons, alone or with their families (homeless, immigrants, ethnic minorities, individuals with mental ill-health) and other groups in socially vulnerable situation;

  • promoting policies on social services in relation to individuals and groups at risk of social exclusion
  • planning, management, implementation and evaluation of social policies in coordination with local governments and social organisations
  • Different responsibilities in  areas such as social innovation, volunteering,  cooperation for the development and immigration

Servicio Madrileño de Salud (SERMAS) is the administrative and management structure that integrates almost all public hospitals, primary care centres, emergency services and every public health service of Madrid. SERMAS is the legal representative of the main public medical centres of Madrid´s Regional Health System. It is integrated by 35 public hospitals and 430 primary health care centres, with more than 5582 professionals with active research- from all health fields, digital and socio/economic knowledge- serving around 6,8M patients in Madrid, which is the third biggest EU city. Mental Health Care Resource Network includes a set of resources of care. They are part of an integrated network, allowing coordination between different units and programs, both outpatient and hospitalization.

The Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation in Primary Care (FIIBAP) aims to promote scientific-technical research and innovation in the field of primary health care in order to enhance the quality of care in health centers dependent on the Service Health Madrid. Among its activities are: Promoting and coordinating the implementation and development of scientific research and innovation programs applied to Health Sciences; Facilitating the financing and management of research and innovation processes in Primary Care, Public Health, Urgencies and Emergencies; and Projecting the advances of research and innovation to society and the health environment.​

Mental Health Europe (MHE) is the largest independent European non-governmental network organisation that focuses on promoting positive mental health, preventing mental distress, improving care, advocating for social inclusion, and protecting the rights of persons with mental health problems and psychosocial disabilities.

MHE represents organisations and individuals active in the field of mental health and psychosocial disability in Europe, including people with lived experience, their families and supporters, national and European associations in the mental health field, mental health professionals, service providers, and human rights experts. As such, MHE provides a unique hub for exchange between its 71 member organisations from 32 European countries and European and international institutions.


With almost 40 years of experience, MHE has learned to collaborate with a wide network of professionals and experts across Europe. To facilitate systemic policy and practice change, MHE undertakes exchange of best practices, the collection and sharing of data and information for evidence-based recommendations, the facilitation of multisectoral dialogue, privileged contacts with the media and the development of strategic communications, the organisation of capacity-building activities and development of resources for mental health service users and professionals, empowerment activities for users as well as close collaboration with policy makers, civil society organisations and international bodies.

The University Mental Health Research Institute (UMHRI; Athens, Greece) focuses on conducting and promoting research on mental health and cooperating with international bodies of similar activity. UMHRI provides consultancy and medical information to the state, universities, schools, as well as to doctors’ organizations and medical activity bodies. Furthermore, UMHRI supports the training of mental health professionals and caregivers and the implementation of educational programs, providing specialist knowledge in various areas of mental health. Finally, providing health services and rehabilitation structures for diagnosing and treating psychiatric diseases is central for UMHRI.